Date Range

Date Range

Date Range Button

1. Date Range Button
Displays a dropdown menu to load Register rows within a range of dates. Each Register remembers the last Date Range selected.
The Date Range button is found on the Activities, Equipment and Species Registers.
Selecting Custom from the menu opens the Custom Date Range picker. Here, you can a specify a static date range, or a dynamic range that is always relative to today's date.
Note: It is possible when you open a Register for it to be empty because you have no data in the Date Range that is selected. This can be quite a surprise, if you're not expecting it. For example, let's say you set a Custom Date Range of the Last 3 Weeks. If you open a Register and it has been 4 weeks since you recorded any activities, the Register will be empty. In this happens, set the Date Range to All Dates and then refine your selection more.