Editing options for Registers. You may also use the Register'scontext menu, Toolbar Edit buttons or Keyboard Shortcuts.
To edit Lookup Tables and other forms, use the form'scontext menu,or useKeyboard Shortcuts.
Cell Operations
Standard edit functions that apply to individual cells in a Register.
Row Operations
Cut Row
Delete the current row and paste the contents to the clipboard.
Copy Row
Copy the contents of the current row to the clipboard.
Paste Row
Paste the contents of the clipboard to a row.
Restore Row
Restore the contents of the current row to its last saved state. This is essentially an Undo for rows. Restore Row is useful if you have made several changes on a row and want to start over again.
Delete Row
Delete the current row.
Note: The New Entry row (the first empty row of a Register) can not be deleted. Deleting the New Entry row, simply clears it.