
Print Setup

Print Setup

Print Setup Window

The Print Setup window is used to choose a printer and set print options for that printer.
To open the Print Setup select Print Setup from the File menu.
NOTE: If no printer is detected, access to this window is disabled.

Select Printer

2.  Select Printer
Select a printer from the dropdown list. 

Select Paper Size

3.  Select Paper Size
Select a paper size from the dropdown list.

Select Paper Source

4.  Select Paper Source
Choose which paper tray the printer should use.

Collate pages

5.  Collate pages
If printing more than one copy of a document, checking the Collate box results in printing one complete set of pages, followed by another complete set. If unchecked, all copies of page 1 will be printed, followed by all copies of page 2, and so on.
This option will only work if your printer supports it.

Number of copies to print.

6.  Number of copies to print.
Setting the number of copies to print is temporary. Once your document prints, this value is reset to 1.
Printing more than one copy will only work if your printer supports it.

Page Orientation

7.  Page Orientation
Press a button to select either portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) for the page layout.

Page Margins

8.  Page Margins
Set page margins. Margins are expressed either in inches or centimeters depending on the system of measurement used.
Top Margin: Sets the distance between the top of the page and the first line on the page.
Left Margin: Sets the distance between the left edge of the page and the left edge of the printed output.
Right Margin: Sets the distance between the right edge of the page and the right edge of printed output.
Bottom Margin: Sets the distance between the bottom of the page and the last line on the page.

Button Bar

9.  Button Bar
Press OK to save the print settings. Press Cancel to discard any changes and close the Print Setup window.