The Export Data window allows you save data from BlueChromis Registers to other file formats. For example, you might want to save data from a Tabular analysis to a spreadsheet program. To open the Export Data window you can either
Click the Export button at the top of the Register, or
Press CTRL+E from the keyboard, or
Select Export from the Filemenu.
Export Format
Register data can be converted to one of three formats:
Click the DownArrow button on the Export Data window, or press ALT+DownArrow from the keyboard, to choose an export format from the dropdown.
Directory Path and File Name
Press the Set File Name button to select a folder and provide a file name in which to save the exported data. The full directory / file path is then displayed to the left of the button. The displayed path is read only and can't be directly edited. To change the directory or file name, click the Set File Name button again.
Button Bar
Press OK to begin the export process. Press Cancel to abort and return to the Register.