Multi-Aquarium Register
If you have more than one aquarium, you can record Activities using either the standard Activities Register or the Multi-Aquarium Activities Register.
The Multi-Aquarium Activities Register allows you to record activities for more than one aquarium simultaneously. It is identical to the standard Activities Register, except that it has one extra column to specify an aquarium for the Activity. The Multi-Aquarium Activities Register is useful, if you have more than one aquarium and they are located in close proximity to each other. For example, say you are testing water parameters. You can test both for calcium, then test both for nitrate, etc., without having to open and close an aquarium every time you take a measurement.
The standard Activities Register is more convenient if you have several aquariums, each of which are located in separate rooms in your home. In this case, you may perform all your tasks on one aquarium, and then move to the another room and perform all your tasks on that aquarium.
Only one of these types of registers can be open at a time. However, you can easily switch back and forth between each type of Activities Register any time you like. In either case, the register operates the same. Depending on your situation, one or the other may be faster. It’s one more option available to you. Again, quick and easy data entry is the goal.