
Chart Options

Chart Options

Chart Options

1. Chart Options
To open the Chart Options window, press the Chart Options button on the Chart form.

Title and Scale Options

2. Title and Scale Options
Chart Title
Enter a title for the chart here.
Y Scale Minimum and Maximum
The Minimum and Maximum values on the Y axis are set normally set automatically. However, you can override one, or both, of these by entering values here.

Data Options

3. Data Options
Stacked Graph
If checked, totals all the graphs by stacking them one on top of another.
Show Data Table
If checked, displays the Chart's data values in a table below the graph.
Rolling Averages
If checked, converts values to rolling (moving) averages. Rolling averages are used to smooth out short-term fluctuations and highlight longer-term trends.
Rolling Average Displayed in Lower Left Corner of Chart
Note: Rolling averages are not the same as Daily, Weekly or Monthly averages available from the Activities Picker.

Axis and Cursor Options

4.  Axis and Cursor Options
Unchecked                                        Checked
If checked, displays a grid in the Chart area.
Cross Hair Cursor
If checked, changes the cursor to cross hair. The cross hair cursor can make it easier to see where a value's coordinates line up on the axes.
Date Range Selector (Zoom Tool)
The Date Range Selector is a tool to Zoom In on a portion of the Chart by by narrowing the range of dates shown in the graph.
To Zoom In , drag the tool's handles closer together. To Zoom Out, drag the handles farther apart. If you are Zoomed In, you can slide the Zoomed Area back and forth along the bottom of the chart by grabbing the area between the two handles.
An image of the full graph appears in the tool along the width of the Chart area. This serves as a point of reference to let you know where you are in relation to the full graph, once you have Zoomed In.
Note: You can also Zoom In on the graph using the mouse. Click the Zoom button on the Chart form for instructions.
Force Zero to Minimum on Y-axis
Unchecked                                                  Checked
If checked, forces the minimum value on the Y-axis to be zero.
Avoid Zero Y value at X-axis
Unchecked                                                                      Checked
If checked, prohibits the plotting of zero values on the x-axis. This makes it easier to interpret a line graph when there are many data points with a value of zero.

Series Options

5. Series Options
Series Options apply to individual Activities, rather than the Chart as a whole.
Line Style or Icon
Choose a style for the line to be graphed, or ICON to draw icons at the bottom of the chart instead. Icons can be helpful to indicate when Activities such as that don't have me
The color selected is the one defined for an Activity by its Activity Definition.  You can change the color here, if you wish. However, this will redefine the color for the Activity in the Activity Definition.
Fill Graph
Fill Graph shades the area below the plotted line.
Step Plot
Line graphs assume that data is continuous, so a straight line is drawn between adjacent data vales. The line is an interpolation between the data points. Line graphs are a good choice for graphing measurements of water parameters. If the level of calcium you measure changes from 390 ppm to 380 ppm, a line graph makes the assumption that an amount of calcium was consumed continuously and uniformly between the two measurement dates. This is not an unreasonable assumption, as calcium is continuously consumed by organisms in the aquarium.
A Step Plot is used to graph data that is not continuous in nature. A good example of this is dosing additives, such as calcium. Unless you're using a calcium reactor, the dosing is not happening on a continuous basis. Perhaps you dose calcium every several days. In this case, a Step Plot is a better choice.
Show Data Points
If checked, indicates where on the line values are plotted.
Trend Line
If checked, calculates a trend line (a linear regression) through the data values.
Average Line
If checked, plots the average value for the data series. The average is always plotted as a horizontal line with a dash-dot dash-dot line style: 
Water Parameter Target
Applies to measurement type Activities. If checked, draws a solid horizontal line at the value chosen as a Target Value in the Activity Definition.
Water Parameter Range
Applies to measurement type Activities. If checked, a shaded area is displayed on the graph to indicate the acceptable range of values set by the Minimum and Maximum in the Activity Definition.


6. Close
Close the form.